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Use React.memo() to prevent unnecessary re-renders in functional components when props haven't changed.
const MyComponent = React.memo(({ data }) => {
return <div>{data}</div>;
Use Array.prototype.map instead of for loops to create a new array while maintaining immutability.
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
const doubled = numbers.map(num => num * 2);
console.log(doubled); // [2, 4, 6]
Always use setState or immutable operations to update state in React.
const handleClick = () => {
// Avoid mutating state directly
setItems(prevItems => [...prevItems, newItem]);
Use Object.freeze() to create immutable objects in JavaScript.
const config = Object.freeze({
apiUrl: "https://api.example.com",
timeout: 5000
config.apiUrl = "https://another-url.com"; // Throws an error in strict mode
Use memoization to optimize performance for functions that are called frequently with the same arguments.
const memoize = (fn) => {
const cache = {};
return (...args) => {
const key = JSON.stringify(args);
if (cache[key]) return cache[key];
const result = fn(...args);
cache[key] = result;
return result;
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const memoizedAdd = memoize(add);
console.log(memoizedAdd(1, 2)); // 3 (calculated)
console.log(memoizedAdd(1, 2)); // 3 (cached)
Properly specify dependencies in useEffect to avoid unnecessary re-execution or missing updates.
useEffect(() => {
// Your logic here
console.log("Data fetched!");
}, [dependency]); // Add dependencies here
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